News Post
Casemaker Now Has Legal Forms
Published on April 9, 2014
Casemaker, the Alabama State Bar’s free legal research service, is once again offering discounted forms, via U.S. Legal Forms, from within the Casemaker website.
To take advantage of the forms and the 10% discount available if you purchase through Casemaker, just log into Casemaker through the bar’s website, and then select the Legal Forms link, which is the bottom link under the My Account information. The Forms Directory page lists frequently used types of forms at the top of the page and also allows searching by keyword and state. Individual forms and subject matter packages are available.
As with any commercially available legal forms, no representations are made concerning the correctness, accuracy, or compliance with current law of any of the forms included. These forms are intended to provide a stylistic beginning point for drafting, are not offered as legal advice, and should not be taken as such.