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Choose Civility - The Power of Patience and Rationality

One of President Brannon Buck’s initiatives this year is a focus on civility. This year, we will share content and educational material focused on the importance of professionalism and civility in the profession.

In a digital age characterized by instant communication, the temptation to hastily react to offensive messages can be strong. However, a prudent attorney understands the significance of maintaining civility and composure, refraining from responding based solely on emotions.

Restraint and rationality are the cornerstones of effective communication in the legal sphere. Here are four ways you can #ChooseCivility when confronted with combative or offensive communications.

  • Safeguarding Professionalism: Swiftly responding to offensive communications with emotional fervor risks tarnishing your reputation as a composed and level-headed practitioner. Upholding professionalism not only cultivates trust with clients and colleagues but also bolsters your credibility in the eyes of judges and opposing parties. By pausing before reacting, you can ensure that your response aligns with the ethical standards expected of legal professionals.
  • Mitigating Escalation: In a contentious legal landscape, emotions can run high on all sides. Reacting impulsively to offensive communications risks escalating conflicts unnecessarily. By responding with poise and rationality, you can de-escalate potentially volatile situations, fostering an environment conducive to productive discussions and negotiations. Your measured response can set the tone for respectful communication, ultimately leading to more favorable outcomes for your client.
  • Emphasizing Legal Reasoning: A well-reasoned response founded on legal principles holds more weight than a reactionary outburst. By taking the time to analyze the offensive message and crafting a response rooted in reasoning, you assert your authority and expertise. This approach can not only steer conversations towards meaningful legal discussions but also contribute to the resolution of the matter at hand.
  • Prioritizing Client Interests: As an attorney, your ultimate duty is to safeguard your client’s best interests. Responding impulsively to offensive communications may not align with this responsibility. By pausing to collect your thoughts and respond strategically, you ensure that your actions contribute to achieving the optimal outcome for your client’s case.

Responding to offensive communications demands a thoughtful and strategic approach, and it is essential for lawyers to rise above this impulse. The legal profession thrives on civility, professionalism, and a rational approach to communication. By embodying these qualities and responding to offensive messages with restraint and thoughtfulness, you not only uphold your own reputation but also contribute to a more respectful and productive legal environment. In a world where words wield power, your choice to respond calmly can make all the difference.