News Post
Friday Reading: What Lawyers Can Learn from Dentists
Published on April 30, 2010
Every once in a while you read something and all you can say about it is, “Wow! I wish I’d written that!”
Beverly Michaelis is a Practice Management Advisor with the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund, who blogs at Oregon Law Practice Management. She approaches practice management from a fresh perspective, and everything she writes is more than useful. She’s a master of quick nuggets you can put to work in your practice immediately. If you don’t believe it, follow her tweets @OreLawPracMgmt.
I’ve been holding on to this post titled What Lawyers Can Learn from Dentists About Solo Practice on how lawyers can look to other personal services professionals for ways to improve their own services to clients, not to mention the bottom line, and today is as good a day as any to share it with you. It’s definitely worth a click through and a minute or two of your time!